
All Tryon Hounds Social Events are for Tryon Hounds Members and invited Guests.

Social events complement foxhunting through the season, which begins with informal cubbing in September. Breakfasts and tail-gates are traditional after hunts, as stirrup cups are before. Saturday hunt breakfasts are either hosted by members at the clubhouse or in their homes. Sometimes there are "pitch-ins" to which riders and non-riders contribute to a bountiful buffet at the clubhouse. There are several annual fundraisers and events throughout the year.

Tryon Hounds Horse Show is an annual fundraiser, which is held in the late spring, early summer or fall.

Tryon Hounds Hunter Pace Events test skill and judgment of riders and horses over typical hunting country which is ridden at a “hunting pace” (or hilltopping pace, if preferred) established by the Hunt Staff. Competition is open to non-members, as well as members.

The Puppy Auction is a fund raiser which allows subscribers and guests to bid on unentered puppies in order to win the honor of naming a hound.

The Hunt Ball is the grand event of the season. Attire is formal and festivities include dining, dancing and a silent auction.

Presentation of Hunt Colors is usually presented by the Masters at the Opening Hunt on Thanksgiving Day, and at the Hunt Ball.

Blessing of the Hounds On Thanksgiving Day, the beginning of the formal hunting season, the hounds are blessed by a member of the local clergy, which is followed by prayer and distribution of St. Hubert’s medals.

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